Elematic brand on the pulse of the industry

Careful listening and providing great customer experience are at the core of Elematic’s renewed brand. The brand sums up our values and ways of working. We build it every day under our roof and every time we meet with you, our customers and stakeholders.
Rapid changes in the world, business and customer needs were the driving forces behind the Elematic brand renewal that started back in 2019.
“We at Elematic made the decision to become even more customer-oriented. It was one of the goals we identified as part of Strategy 2019–2022. Even though Elematic is a strong brand, it became apparent that we needed more coherence and clarity on what our brand stands for, what it’s all about,” explains Marketing Manager Nina Lehtonen.
Listening as a starting point
Excellent customer experiences form the core of the Elematic brand. Delivering those require listening, which was also a logical starting point for the brand work.
“First, we listened to our people on the front line and then we interviewed precasters around the world. We found that the results of our internal interviews were much in line with our customer’s perceptions, with high-quality machines and Elematic as a forerunner in technology really standing out. Many precasters also see us as a trustworthy partner. This is a strong base for us,” Lehtonen says.
“However, there are still things to develop, for instance, in customer care. It is an important area for us and requires hard work. Customer focus is something we are strongly engaged with.”
But how do we make these known without sounding exactly the same as all the other players in the industry? “We decided to solve this by bringing the voices of plants and precasters to the front. Our new visual element, The Pulse, is a representation of the soundtrack made from customer interviews and the sounds at factories,” Lehtonen says.

The future runs green
Our new slogan, The future runs green, comes from customers as well. They often use two words to describe our equipment: green and quality.
“This is something we are very proud of! It tells a lot about us: we provide green-coloured, high-quality equipment, but you can see the ‘green’ from a wider perspective. Our equipment and software solutions help precast factories to make their processes energy- and resource-efficient. If the future could choose, it would run greener processes with green equipment,” Lehtonen explains.
Comprehensive info package available
Action is the soul of a brand. This being said, brand work means concrete changes in our ways of doing business and communicate.
To start with, we have renewed the Elematic website and improved our information service. The recently launched Elematic website offers clearly structured content not only about our products and services, but also about precast concrete construction from a wider perspective. Concrete Issues and Elematic Blog are now part of the website, too.
“We wanted to make our website a useful and comprehensive info package for current and future precasters,” Lehtonen says. “Later on, the brand will be concretised in many other ways in our everyday ways of working and communicating.”

What would you like to know?
Kindly share your ideas and feedback about our renewed website, www.elematic.com!
Are you finding the information you need? Is there something missing? How can we serve you even better? We would also like to know your ideas and wishes about Concrete Issues. What would you like to read about?
Please send your feedback to marketing@elematic.com.