4 reasons to train your precast plant personnel

Have you wondered how further training of your precast plant personnel could improve production efficiency and quality? A mix of face-to-face and remote training offers a cost-efficient way of keeping your production staff up to date on use, maintenance, safety, and troubleshooting. In this blog I will shed light on the reasons why training is important for precast plants.
1. Gain full production automation benefits
When taking automatic precast machines into use, your employees also need to learn new skills; how to safely operate the machines, how to use the operating system and how to maintain the machines, for example, how to charge batteries, check sensors to avoid tripping, clean lights sensors and mirrors and add ink. In general, automatic machines should be handled with more care because of the added wiring, sensors, and other vulnerable components. Without the knowledge, the cost-efficiency and production quality benefits of the automatic machines cannot be reached, and production problems are also more likely to occur.
Automatic precast production differs greatly from traditional production. Automatic production is not complicated, but everyone needs to comprehend new factory practices and their effects on the whole production process. With training you assure that your people know how to use the machines and thus human behavior pitfalls are avoided.

2. Increase production flexibility and efficiency
In case of precast plant personnel changes, it is important the production efficiency and flexibility are not affected by the change. In other words, many people at your plant should know how to master the machinery to avoid problems when the skilled machine operator is not available. If only one or a couple of people know the specifics of a certain machine there is a risk of a production stopover or decreased efficiency and quality in case of sick leaves or change of staff. When you have the skills in house you can easily rotate staff between different tasks not only to make their days more variating but also to be better prepared to train new personnel yourself. It is essential to organize thorough training to new employees to maintain production efficiency.
3. Decrease quality costs
Especially in the case of automatic precast machinery, staff knowing how the machines are operated efficiently is the key for reaching high production quality. If you have invested in automated precast machinery, it makes sense to invest in personnel training as well. Otherwise, you can’t reach the quality benefits the automated machinery offers.
Of course, the same applies to less automated machinery. When your staff knows how to safely operate the machines and how to properly maintain them, the results are seen in production quality and efficiency. In other words, training decreases quality costs of production process and machinery.

4. Manage troubleshooting yourself
No matter which machine you have in use at your precast plant, knowing its maintenance specifics is crucial. Maintaining the machinery is easier when your personnel are more familiar with the machinery and their specifics. During the trainings the most common production issues can be discussed; how they are solved, proper cleaning of the machinery, spare and wear part changes and other maintenance related issues. By having the knowledge in your hands, you might not need to contact Elematic HelpDesk. Of course, we will help you, but it is quicker if you can troubleshoot production issues and solve some of the daily questions locally.
Operator training specifics
Elematic training packages focus on the best practices and safe procedures to operate and maintain the machines. They are always tailored to the needs of your precast plant and its production. Operator training is always an investment to your precast plant and its efficiency; hence we want to make sure you get the best value for your money.
The operator training package can, for example, consist of two days of training. During the training our expert will hold classroom presentations about the topics of your interest after which the same is practiced on the production line. The trainings are usually organized for a group of people. We recommend minimum of three people to attend a training at the same time to avoid loss of knowledge due to staff changes.
Let’s take an example of Elematic Saw E9, which is designed to automatically cut pre-stressed precast slabs, such as hollow core slabs, massive slabs, piles and T-beams, up to 500 mm thick. It makes sense to invest in both, the saw and operator training. Why? During the training we go through the purpose of the machine, what it is used for, its safety features, button technique, how it is operated and how it is best maintained. The same is also practiced on a production line. In other words, the training helps your personnel to grasp the full benefits of the saw, which in return increases your production cost-efficiency and quality.
Psst. Stay tuned for our new online training packages which will be launched during 2023. They will work as an additional training for precast plant personnel or an introduction for newcomers. Now the online trainings are in the pilot stage.

Leena Raukola,
Customer Service Director